Club Blue Grants Open for 2022 Program Cycle
On behalf of the Club Blue Angels, the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois is pleased to announce the opening of the Club Blue Grants Program application for the 2022 cycle. The Club Blue Angels are women committed to their families and the community. They are united in their belief that our community's children should be socially, emotionally, and physically healthy and they are dedicated to supporting the organizations that can achieve this goal.
Club Blue is collaborating with the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois in order to grant funds to area nonprofits that serve children, while building an endowment that will support their mission in perpetuity.
Applicants for the Club Blue Grant Program will need to describe, in detail, how their organization will use the funds. Activities must align with Club Blue’s mission of promoting the health, safety, and well-being of children in need, 18 years of age and younger, in Boone and Winnebago Counties. Past recipients and applicants may reapply.
Club Blue will select up to two recipients and award a total of $10,000. The application must be completed via CFNIL's online grant application portal and submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 28, 2022. Recipients will be notified by April 1, 2022.
Learn more about the Club Blue Angels and start your application to this grant program at http://cfnil.org/grants/club-blue.